Beed: The Maharashtra police have managed to reunite a boy who was missing for over four years, with his family here using his Aadhar biometric details.
Machhindra Shinde's hailing from Majalgaon taluka lost his son Bhimrao four years ago in Parbhani. All his efforts to find him over the years were in vain and Shinde lost all hopes of finding his son.
However, Bhimrao was founded by some social activists and was taken to an orphanage 'Apla Ghar'. He was renamed Hanumant Ghadge by the inmates.
Soon after the orphanage authorities contacted Superintendent Naresh Thakur to register Hanumant for Aadhar card links, but his biometric details were already linked with the name of Bhimrao Shinde, which revealed all the information about his family.