Nanded: The Gram Panchayat elections in the district have been announced recently and the reservation for the post of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch and Deputy Sarpanch has also been announced. In this connection, politics has started heating up in every village of the taluka. In the villages of Mahati (Tal. Mudkhed) in the district, it has been revealed that the post of Sarpanch and Deputy Sarpanch have been auctioned. Ten lakh and fifty thousand was the winning bid for the post of Deputy Panch. The video of the auction went viral and is being discussed in the area.
Importance to Gram Panchayat office bearers due to sand and brick kilns
Mahati (Tal. Mudkhed) is a village on the banks of Godavari in the district and has the highest number of brick kilns in the district. The village is also famous for its sand deposits as it is on the banks of Godavari. From this village, the business of sand, brick kiln and clay used for the brick kiln is worth crores of rupees. As a result, the Gram Panchayat office bearers of this village have got a big price.
Viral video on social media
Recently, the reservation for the post of Sarpanch of the Gram Panchayat in the district was passed in the tehsil office of each taluka. The reservation for the post of Sarpanch of fifty villages in Mudkhed has been announced recently and the post of Sarpanch of Mahati village has been reserved for OBCs. In this village, illegal trade of sand, brick kiln and clay for use in brick kiln, is rampant. To ensure the Gram Panchayat comes under their control, these illegal traders have bid for these posts in the village. One such video is going viral on social media. The incident took place on Saturday night in Mahati village. On 21st November, at 8 pm, the villagers gathered on the porch outside the Maruti temple in Mahati village. A meeting was held on this occasion and an appeal was made to those who want to contest for the post of Deputy Panch to come forward.
Bids made by many aspirants
Bidding for the post of Deputy Panch between the old people's representatives of the village and the aspirants started at Rs. 7 lakh 1 thousand. Accordingly, one of them started bidding and his rival bid Rs 9 lakh. Then the third one bid 9 lakh 50 thousand rupees. As the competition grew, so did the amount. Finally, the last bid for the post of Deputy Sarpanch was Rs. 10 lakh 50 thousand. The villagers gave a green light to this bid. In this way, the post of Deputy Sarpanch was auctioned in Mahati village and sold by the villagers for ten lakh and fifty thousand rupees.