Mumbai (Maharashtra):A man, who threatened to rape and kill TV actress and social media influencer Urfi Javed, has been arrested from Patna, Bihar. A case was registered against him at the Goregaon police station in Mumbai. The accused has been identified as Naveen Giri. He had made several WhatsApp calls to Urfi Javed, abusing her and threatening her.
Maha: Man threatens TV actress Urfi Javed on WhatsApp, held in Patna
A man, who threatened to rape and kill TV actress and social media influencer Urfi Javed, has been arrested from Patna, Bihar. Sources said that the accused was continuously abusing Urfi Javed by making WhatsApp calls.
Sources said that the accused was continuously abusing Urfi Javed by making WhatsApp calls. He also threatened to kill and rape the actress. He has been harassing her by calling from a different number every time. Recently Urfi had lodged a complaint at the Goregaon police station in Mumbai. She also gave the threat call recording to the police. The police filed a case against the accused Naveen under sections of the IT Act and threats etc.
A case has been registered under section 354 (A) for sexual harassment, 345 (D) stalking and for criminal intimidation under the IPC as well as IT act.