Thane:Maharashtra Police on Saturday arrested a 17-year-old boy on the basis of a complaint from another person, who said his religious sentiment was hurt after someone had posed an offensive message about Chhatrapati Shivaji on his Instagram page.
Police said they acted on the complaints of Uday Pawar, a resident of Kacheri Pada in Bhiwandi. In his FIR, Uday said he found offensive remarks against Shivaji after opening his Instagram page at midnight on May 5 after returning from work. To substantiate his claim, he also forwarded the comment from an Instagram account named avesh_id to cops. Uday also complained against the Instagram account holder who, he alleged, has hurt his religious sentiment. In his complaint to the police, he noted that the message carried offensive words written about Shivaji Maharaj. Cops at the Shantinagar Police Station registered his case after hesitating for some time.