Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): In a shocking incident in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior, a woman poured hot oil over the genitals of her husband when he was fast asleep. According to the police, a man was preventing his wife from talking to
the youth over the mobile. The youth was staying next door to their house in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior. The woman was not paying attention to her husband's advice. Vexed over frequent warnings, the wife in the middle of the night poured boiling oil on the genitals of her husband.
The victim's private parts suffered 70 per cent burn injuries. On hearing the screams of 32-year-old Sunil Dhakad, he was rushed to a hospital by the neighbours. Currently, he has been undergoing treatment. Once Sunil Dhakad caught his wife Bhavna talking to the youth. The mobile phone was snatched by Sunil. This infuriated his wife. In the middle of the night, when Sunil was sleeping, his wife poured boiling oil on the genitals of her husband.