Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): A married woman hailing from Jabalpur was allegedly abducted and raped at a knife point in Bhopal for eight days. It is also alleged that the woman was pressurised to convert her religion. The victim was forced to recite Kalma and was also forcibly fed beef by the accused. A "missing complaint' was lodged by the husband of the victim at the Jabalpur Cantonment police station. Based on the complaint, the police swung into action and traced the woman to Bhopal and she was brought to Jabalpur by the police.
On the other hand, members of the Hindu Dharma Sena, along with the victim and her husband, visited the Jabalpur Cantonment police station. They were demanding stringent action against the accused. The police assured to investigate the incident. Hindu Dharma Sena activists demanded the registration of cases of conversion, rape and crime against accused Amjad Khan. Otherwise, they will lay siege to the police station and further intensify their agitation.