Damoh (Madhya Pradesh) : Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said in his third tenure as PM, he will take the country among the top three economies in the world. Addressing a public meeting in Madhya Pradesh's Damoh town ahead of the November 17 state assembly polls, Modi also said he will continue to fight against corruption.
People gave power to the Congress in Chhattisgarh and Rajasthan, but their chief ministers were found involved in "satta" (betting) and generating black money, he said. Modi said that after 2014, the country's economy climbed to 5th position from 10th, leaving behind the UK, which ruled the country for over 200 years.
In 2014, when BJP came to power, the country's economy was at the 10th position and, gradually, it moved to 9th, 8th, 7th and 6th but nobody was talking about it, PM said. When it reached the 5th position and left behind the UK, which ruled the nation for 200 years, everybody was surprised and started looking at India, he said.
Modi said during his third tenure as PM, he will take the country's economy among the top three in the world. The Lok Sabha elections are due next year. The PM said if the Congress comes back to power, the "85 per cent commission system" will work in the states as once stated by a prime minister of that party.