Indore(MP):Film actor Vicky Kaushal had taken actress Sara Ali Khan on a bike ride to Indore while they were shooting for Luka Chuppi 2 together but the number of the bike on which both were riding has turned out to be fake. The real owner of this number has complained to the police station.
The video of Vicky and Sara riding on a bike went viral on social media. Jai Singh Yadav, a resident of Indore's Aerodrome area saw this video and he was shocked because the number of his bike was on Vicky's bike thus Jai Singh Yadav has complained about the whole matter to the police.
Yadav said that MP-09 UL 4872 is his own scooter number. He bought this vehicle from the showroom located at Aerodrome on 25 May 2018.
When Yadav came to know about this 'rigging' of the number done by the filmmaker, he was also shocked.