Malwa (Madhya Pradesh): Vaccination certificates issued to the dead people created flutter in the state. The incidents were reported in the Agar Malwa district in Madhya Pradesh on the day when Centre claimed that over 2 crore Covid vaccinations were administered in a day for the first time on Friday on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's birthday.
In the first case reported, a deceased woman Vidya Sharma who succumbed to Covid on May 1 received the vaccine certificate for the second dose. Sharma took her first jab in March and was to take the second jab in June. Sharma's son Ashutosh Sharma received a certificate stating that his mother has received the second jab on September 17 at the municipality town hall vaccination centre. Ashutosh searched the website and got a certificate for the second dose of Covishield. The issuance of certificate to his dead mother has baffled Ashutosh.