Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra on Monday said the government was concerned about students from the state stranded in Ukraine, which is under the threat of an attack from neighbouring Russia. Queried on 60 students from Indore who are stuck in Ukraine amid war fears, Mishra said Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan was also concerned and wants them to return to the state by February 22-23.
"The Central government has issued an advisory on this. Arrangement of aircraft etc have been made to get the students back. Everyone is concerned about the situation, including Prime Minister, Chief Minister and state government," Mishra, who is the MP government spokesperson, said. The Indian Embassy in Ukraine had earlier issued an advisory asking Indian nationals to leave the east European nation temporarily if their stay was not essential. "In view of the continued high levels of tensions and uncertainties with respect to the situation in Ukraine, all Indian nationals whose stay is not deemed essential and all Indian students are advised to leave Ukraine temporarily," the embassy had said.