Satna (Madhya Pradesh): In a horrific incident, a 13-year-old girl belonging to a tribal community, who was raped in Ujjain and found begging for help from people, has been identified. The victim hails from the Satna district in Madhya Pradesh, said the police on Thursday. Earlier, there was information that the girl belonged to Prayagraj in Uttar Pradesh.
The minor girl is a resident of Konia village situated just a kilometre away from Jaitwara police station in the Satna district of the state. The girl has been missing since September 24. She had gone to her school to appear for the examination. The victim was staying with her grandparents as her mother had deserted her father 12 years ago. Since then she has been staying with her grandparents. The police said that the victim was mentally challenged.
When the girl did not return home from school her grandfather made a frantic search for her. On September 25, the minor's grandfather lodged a missing complaint with the Jaitwara police station. Satna ASP Shivesh Singh Baghel, said, "In the preliminary investigation, we came to know that a complaint was lodged at Jaitwara police station. In the complaint, it was stated by the police that she was wearing a school uniform and had gone to her school."