Indore: Police arrested a couple for abetment to suicide in the death of TV serial actress Vaishali Thakkar, who allegedly died by suicide at her residence in Sai Bagh Colony under Tejaji police station limits in Indore in the early hours of Sunday. Thakkar hanged herself after allegedly being harassed by her ex-boyfriend Rahul, her neighbour, and left a suicide note purported written by her blaming the latter for her suicide.
A police officer said they arrested the accused Rahul and his wife. As per Vaishali's suicide note, Rahul was harassing her mentally for the last two-and-a-half years. She asked her parents to get Rahul punished. Police have sent the suicide note for investigation to ascertain its authenticity and also taken Vaishali's phone into their possession for further probe.
The investigation also revealed that Vaishali had engaged with Kenyan businessman Abhinandan in California in April. On October 20, she was about to get married, but when Rahul came to know about this, he got the engagement cancelled, police said. Last April, Vaishali informed fans that she was engaged.