Chhatarpur (Madhya Pradesh):Athree-year-old girl was rescued from a 30 feet deep borewell after a three-hour-long rescue operation in Madhya Pradesh's Chhatarpur on Sunday, an official said. The incident took place at Bijabar in the Chhatarpur district. The girl has been identified as Nancy Vishwakarma. Taking to Twitter, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan said the girl named Nancy was rescued safely and has been taken to a nearby hospital for a check-up.
On receiving the information about the incident, the NDRF team and the top officials of the district reached the spot and started the rescue operation. According to sources, the child's father Ravi Vishwakarma and her mother Rohani were watching the girl from the field. When they were engrossed in work, the child walked away from them. After some time, the parents heard their child screaming. The parents, along with the locals gathered, and informed the local authorities.