Bhopal:As the honey-trapping case unfolds in Madhya Pradesh, state minister Govind Singh has said that strict actions should be taken against politicians and government officials involved in the matter and they should be exposed before the public.
"When people in public domain, like politicians and government officials, engage in such immoral acts, strict actions should be taken against them and they should be exposed before the public so people can learn a lesson," Singh said on Friday.
The General Administrations Minister said that several politicians and government officials are involved in the case and actions should be taken against them irrespective of their party and religion.
Besides, the change of Special Investigation Team (SIT) chief, a day after it was formed to probe the alleged honey-trap racket in which government officials and politicians were blackmailed, has sparked a row in Madhya Pradesh.
Earlier it was reported that state police had extracted more than 4,000 files from the laptops and mobile phones of the accused arrested in the matter. Sources said that the recovered files include audio, video clips and screenshots of chats, many of them said to be objectionable in nature.