Narmadapuram (Madhya Pradesh): Six persons were arrested for allegedly beating a youth after tying him to a tree in the Narmadapuram district of Madhya Pradesh. In a video of the incident that came to light, the accused are seen thrashing the victim, identified as Prakash Yadav. The incident took place in the Makhan Nagar police station limits in the district on Wednesday.
Prakash Yadav lodged a complaint with the local police station against the accused. In his complaint, Prakash said, "I had a dispute with Narayan Yadav. Involving the dispute, Narayan started abusing me. Narayan and his associates caught hold of me and tied me to a tree. They started beating me." Sources said, "Initially, the police registered a case against the accused under sections 294, 323, and 506 for assault and arrested three accused. The police added that new sections and arrested three more accused after the video of the incident went viral on social media.