Gwalior:In the wake of continuous deaths of cheetahs at Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh, experts from Namibia and South Africa conducted tests on cheetahs. Apart from that, all the cheetahs caught in the open forest of Kuno National Park have been shifted to a bigger enclosure and the radio collars of six cheetahs have been removed after it came to light that infection and the subsequent wounds due to the radio collar could be the cause behind the death of some cheetahs.
A total of 11 cheetahs, including six males and five females, have been put in the enclosure. The remaining four cheetahs are in the open forest. Tests will be conducted on those cheetahs also. It may be recalled that the team that came to conduct the health check-up on Saturday evening tranquilised the male cheetah named Pawan and shifted it to the big enclosure and its health test is being done.