Bhopal:Madhya Pradesh Leader of Opposition Dr. Govind Singh on Sunday hit out at the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) saying the outfit stands for 'Rumour Spreading Society' as it is a national conspiratorial organisation and even went on to compare it with demon king Ravana.
"We have always said that RSS is the ancestor of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Ravana had 100 sons while it (RSS) has 150-200 sons," Singh told at a press conference here. Elaborating on what RSS stands for, Singh said that it is not Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh but Rashtriya Shadyantakari (conspirator) Sangathan. "It is a national conspiratorial organisation and its sole work is to conspire. It makes brothers fight with each other and spreads religious tension. In English, RSS stands for 'Rumous Spreading Society'. It works at spreading rumour in the society," Singh said.
Singh slammed the BJP-led government over Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi's visit to Jabalpur on June 12. He said that people were seeing the picture of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in Priyanka Gandhi. "Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan was threatened by Priyanka Gandhi's arrival so came up with the 'Ladli Bahna Yojana'.