Bhopal: Madhya Pradesh Agricultural Minister Kamal Patel on Sunday said that Rs 4,688 crore would be given to 20 lakh farmers who had been affected by floods caused by heavy monsoon rains on September 16 under the Prime Minister's Crop Insurance Scheme.
"When the whole country was in turmoil due to COVID-19, farmers ensured that 130 crore Indians had food to eat. Every sector in the country has a negative growth rate. Only the agricultural sector is growing.
Incessant rains have caused massive devastation for the poor people of the state and to help them, the Madhya Pradesh government had even extended the date for insurance of damaged crops," Patel said while speaking to the media.
"Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan and I were on the ground for the last 12 days, visiting every village and inspecting losses caused by the floods. We have directed the authorities to take videographic reports of the devastation in the state and will have a full report by September 15.
A total of 13,000 affected people have been rescued from these floods and not a single casualty has been reported. On behalf of the state government, I would like to thank all the workers who were involved in rescue efforts," he added.
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