Morena:A case has been registered in Madhya Pradesh's Morena on Tuesday after an incident saw police personnel from Rajasthan, who were travelling by the Dadar-Amritsar Express, beaten by an unruly mob at the Morena Junction station. As per preliminary reports, the dispute broke out due to disagreement on the occupation of seats, which subsequently escalated and saw fellow passengers thrashing the police on the platform.
A video of the incident, which has surfaced, shows the personnel, who have since been identified as constables from the Rajasthan police, being dragged out of the train before being beaten up by a group of close to 10 people. A case has been registered against unknown persons in the matter, and the Rajasthan police has also been informed about it, RPF officials said while speaking about the matter. The accused are being identified through the CCTV footage at the station, and action will be initiated against them, they said.