Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): In yet another shocking development in the case revolving around the alleged rape of five minors in Bhopal, three of the survivors were admitted to hospital on Sunday, days after one survivor had died.
According to reports, when the Special Investigation Team (SIT), which was constituted to probe the death of the survivor, reached the shelter home where the survivors are currently staying, they found that the health of three girls had deteriorated.
The girls were reportedly suffering from vomiting, stomach ache, and stress.
An ambulance was immediately called in, following which two girls were admitted to the Jai Prakash district hospital, while one was admitted to the government's Hamidia hospital.
Meanwhile, the parents of the minor survivors have alleged that they have not been receiving any information about the girls and are also not being allowed to meet them. They said that as a result, the girls were stressed.
Read:Bhopal rape victim forcefully cremated, says mother
The parents demanded that the girls be handed over to them so that they could get them treated at a good hospital.