Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): The Congress party general secretary Priyanka Gandhi targeted Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan-led BJP government in Madhya Pradesh over alleged bungling in the Patwari examination. The Patwari examination was conducted by the Madhya Pradesh Staff Selection Board. Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi in a tweet stated that "Once again there are reports of recruitment scam under the rule of BJP government in Madhya Pradesh. There are reports of bidding in jobs for various posts in lakhs of rupees. Why is the government shying away from conducting an inquiry? Why do only the names of BJP leaders keep cropping up for their alleged involvement in recruitment scams?
The president of the Madhya Pradesh Youth Congress, media cell, Vivek Tripathi, said that the examination was marred in controversy from the very beginning. "Dummy candidates were permitted to write papers in the examination. The written complaints were filed on July 4 and July 11 in connection with the irregularities in the exam conducted by the Madhya Pradesh Staff Selection Board."