New Delhi: BJP MP from Bhopal Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur created a controversy on the first day of the 17th Lok Sabha on Monday when she suffixed the name of her spiritual guru with hers while taking the oath, drawing a sharp reaction from the Opposition.
Amid protests and shouting, Thakur asserted that it was her full name and the same was mentioned in the form filled by her for taking the oath.
The mention of Swami Purna Chetnanand Avdheshanand Giri as a suffix to her name Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur drew strong objection from the Opposition members who said it was not permitted.
The BJP MP, however, insisted that the suffix was part of her full name, resulting in an uproar from Opposition and slogan-shouting in her favour from the ruling benches.
Pro-tem Speaker Virendra Kumar sought to know from the Lok Sabha Secretary General the parliamentarian's full name.
Amid the din, the Speaker ruled that only the name written in one's election certificate issued by the returning officer would go on record.
After the ruling from the chair, she continued her oath.
The Malegaon blast accused took oath in Sanskrit and ended it with "Bharat Mata Ki Jai" slogan.