Indore (Madhya Pradesh): To prepare for the possible COVID third wave and its potential impact on children, Indore's District Collector Manish Singh on Tuesday visited the city's Prakash Chandra Sethi Hospital and said that it would soon be converted into a COVID hospital for pregnant women and children. At present, the government-run hospital is for pregnant women. But now it will treat COVID-positive pregnant women and children from 0 to 14 years."For the preparation of the third COVID wave, we have taken PC Sethi and Hukumchand Hospital. COVID-positive pregnant women and positive neo-natal will be admitted and treated here. We are also developing a pediatric ICU here," Singh said.
"This building will have 180 beds and the adjacent unit will also have around 40," he added. "In Indore, we have vaccinated 75 per cent of the population who are above 18 years of age. A soon as we get the vaccines, we will try to reach 100 per cent. We will focus more on the 45 plus age group after we get the vaccines," the district collector further said. Speaking about the vaccination drive, District Immunisation Officer Dr Praveen Jadia said that vaccines will not be administered today (June 30) and July 2. On July 1 and July 3, the drive will be carried out at some places.