Bhopal: In a heart-wrenching incident, Ravi Thackrey (56), a civil engineer who has been jobless, allegedly committed suicide by consuming poison after killing his son Chirag by slitting his throat with a tile cutter, police said. His wife Ranjana who consumed poison along with him and daughter Gunjan whom Ravi allegedly attempted to kill have survived and are admitted to Hamidia hospital in critical condition. The incident happened in the Sahara State Housing Society of Misrod police station area on Saturday.
A four-page suicide note recovered from their house by police revealed that Thackeray was under financial constraints to educate his children. For the last two years, Ravi has been struggling to pay the school fees of his children. As per sources, the tile cutter and poison used by the deceased were brought a day before the incident.
Police immediately arrived at the spot after receiving information and found two bodies lying in pool of blood. There was blood all inside the house. Both the children were dipped in blood, while Ravi's mouth was foaming. The wife and daughter were still breathing and were rushed to the hospital. People in the neighbourhood who reached the spot were scared over the sight of the house.