Bhopal: Three laborers went missing while six were rescued after an under-construction tunnel caved in on Saturday night in Katni district of Madhya Pradesh, officials said on Sunday. They also said that contact has been established with two of the trapped workers while they are trying to reach the third.
As per officials, the mishap took place last night when the 70 feet deep tunnel, part of the Bargi underground canal along the National Highway No. 30 suddenly sank in thereby trapping at least nine laborers working at the site. Soon after the accident, the local civil and police authorities, including Superintendent of Police Sunil Jain and a team of the state disaster response force SDERF besides the construction company officials started a rescue operation and were able to rescue six of the trapped laborers while three were still missing when reports last came in. District Collector Priyank Mishra informed that 2 workers are being talked to, and the third is also being contacted.