Sehore: A tense calm prevails in Ashta area of Sehore district in Madhya Pradesh after rightwing activists hoisted a saffron flag having 'Hindu rashtra' written on it on the Kannod Road on Wednesday, a day ahead of the Hanuman Janmotsav. Police and administration are on alert mode since Wednesday morning in Ashta tehsil of Sehore district after the flag carrying Hindu Rashtra slogan was hoisted across the Ashta-Kannod road leading to communal tensions in the area.
The flag was erected by right-wing activists on a rope tied to the eaves of two houses across the road. Sources said that the banner was put up during the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday by the workers of Bajrang Dal and Hindu Utsav Samiti. In the morning, when the employees of the local municipality arrived to the spot to remove the flag, they were met with protests by the rightwing activists.
Soon the workers and office bearers of Bajrang Dal and Hindu Utsav Samiti rushed to the spot to prevent the municipality from removing the flag. Amid a tense situation, the municipality employees informed the police and the local administration about the incident. Later the concerned Tehsildar along with Ashta police station in-charge reached to the spot to pacify the protesting Hindutva activists.
Also read:Saffron flag is symbol of our principles, swayamsevaks come to shakhas to serve country: Bhagwat