Sagar: The son of a Sarpanch who emerged victorious posthumously in the Madhya Pradesh Gram Panchayat elections in July last year, has been elected in the by-election on the seat in Sagar district, officials said on Wednesday. As per officials, Rajvardhan Singh, son of late Thakur Ravindra Singh won the election by 384 votes in the recently held by-election of Kanjera Gram Panchayat of Deori development block in Sagar district.
His victory is special because his father Thakur Ravindra Singh was in the fray in the Panchayat elections held in July 2022. The Panchayat election for the post of Sarpanch in Kanjera Gram Panchayat was held on July 1, but Singh passed away due to cardiac arrest on June 22 leaving the seat open. After the Election Commission was not informed about the incident beforehand, when the elections were held, Singh's name was there in the ballot paper on the poll day.
Also read:Kin of Panchayat candidate pays money for votes, video viral