Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): At least 3,300 shops selling Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) and country liquor in Madhya Pradesh will give cash receipts to customers on purchases from September 1 onwards, an official said on Friday.
The state excise department has cracked down on liquor stores, some run by powerful liquor lobbies in the state, following complaints from tipplers that they were being duped on prices, the official said.
Is it not strange that people are not getting cash receipts in return for liquor purchases? I have been trying to push for the cash receipt system for a year now, Madhya Pradesh excise commissioner Rajeev Dubey said. The move saw resistance from liquor shop owners, but finally, the department prevailed, he said.
Liquor shop owners will be putting up boards at their outlets, with the phone number of the area in-charge excise officer, who can be contacted in case of grievances about prices and other issues, Dubey said.