Gwalior: Days after the Sidhi urination row, another incident of Dalit atrocity has surfaced at a village in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior. Two youths belonging to the Dalit community were beaten up by the Gujjar community people over using a handpump on the temple premises. The victims were filling water in a bucket from the handpump. The FIR and counter FIRs have been registered by both communities at the Pichor police station of the district.
On the other hand, strongmen belonging to the Gujjar community alleged that they were drunk and using the handpump on the temple premises. Both of them created a ruckus on the temple premises. The shocking incident was reported at Badi Akbai village in the Pichor police station area of the district. A video of the incident was uploaded on social media.
In the video, Hakim alias Vishal Jatav was seen dragged and abused by the strongmen of the village. Police registered a case against half a dozen people belonging to the Gurjar community under the relevant sections of the IPC, including the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act. No one was arrested by the police so far.