Bhopal:The Madhya Pradesh government transferred Sheopur's collector and superintendent of police on Sunday, a day after Union Agirculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar was mobbed by angry locals during his visit to flood-hit parts of the district. On Saturday, when Tomar visited Karatia Bazaar in Sheopur city, which is part of Morena Lok Sabha constituency represented by the minister, people jeered at him and were heard saying he had come too late.
Some people threw mud and small dry sticks at the vehicles in his convoy, eyewitnesses had said. In an order issued on Sunday morning, the Madhya Pradesh government shifted Sheopur district Collector Rakesh Shrivastava as the deputy secretary in the state secretariat.
Shivam Verma, who is currently commissioner of the Gwalior Municipal Corporation, has been made the new collector of Sheopur. In a separate order, the state government also transferred Sheopur's Superintendent of Police (SP) Sampat Upadhyaya as Assistant Inspector General (AIG) in the state police headquarters.
Anurag Sujania, who is currently AIG, Gwalior, has been transferred as Sheopur's SP. Heavy rains lashed Sheopur and other northern districts of Madhya Pradesh over the last few days.