Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Filmmaker Leena Manimekalai has posted another controversial tweet amidst the controversy surrounding her poster of Goddess Kali who is shown to be smoking beedi on the poster. Her new tweet consists of a poster of Shiva and Parvati smoking cigarettes. Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Narottam Mishra expressed his displeasure regarding this matter.
The Home Minister said that he would demand the Central Government issue a lookout notice. “I am going to write a letter to Twitter on this issue,” said Narottam Mishra, who is also the spokesperson of the state government. The minister said that he will also write to the central government to issue a lookout circular against Manimekalai.
Also read:'Prove me wrong if you can': Mahua Moitra challenges BJP over 'Kaali' Controversy
Speaking to reporters at his residence in Bhopal on Thursday, Mishra said, "Twitter should check tweets posted by people with perverted mindsets, such as the 'Kaali' film director Leena Manimekalai. Such people are using Shankarji and Twitter as a tool to hurt religious sentiments of people, hence this should be stopped at our level by screening such messages," said the minister.
Earlier, MP CM Shivraj filed a case against Mahua Moitra, who made controversial statements on Kali, and an FIR has been registered against the producer of the film Kali under the directions of Home Minister Narottam Mishra. BJP MLA Rameshwar Sharma will observe silence in Bhopal's Kali Mandir regarding this matter.