Bhopal:Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Saturday held a prayer meeting with the leaders of different religions to pay tributes to the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy on its 38th anniversary, where he said the "mistake and carelessness" of Union Carbide company caused an "unforgettable" disaster that claimed human lives on a large scale.
He also called for the need to maintain a balance between development and the environment. Toxic gas leaking from Union Carbide's pesticide factory killed thousands in Bhopal on the chilly and dreadful night of December 2-3, 1984. It is considered to be one of the worst industrial disasters in the world.
The all-religion meet was held at Barkatullah Bhawan, where the participants observed a two-minute silence in remembrance of the victims.
"If a life is lost due to human mistake, it is tragic...The mistake, negligence and carelessness of Union Carbide caused loss of human lives," Chouhan said on the occasion. The lives of hundreds of innocent children and young people were lost. People ran frantically after the gas leak. The tragedy that took place 38 years ago is unforgettable, he was quoted as saying in a government statement.