Tikamgarh (Madhya Pradesh): At least five people including two women were killed while eight others were injured after a speeding car they were travelling into rammed into a tree in Madhya Pradesh's Tikamgarh, officials said on Wednesday. The incident took place on Dajtara road near the Manjhi village, on Tuesday night. According to the police, the occupants of the car are residents of Mawai village and were going to Rajnagar when the mishap occurred.
On information, police rushed to the accident spot and moved the bodies of the deceased to the hospital for post-mortem examination. The deceased include two women and three men. Before the police arrived, the other passersby rescued the the injured who were taken to a hospital in the vicinity for treatment.
Four of the eight injured have suffered critical injuries and were referred to Jhansi by doctors team for further as their condition deteriorated, police said. Jatara Traffic Inspector (TI) Himanshu Bhindia said five people were killed as a speeding Bolero rammed into a roadside tree.