Ujjain (Madhya Pradesh) : Dr Akhilesh Kumar Pandey, Vice Chancellor of Vikram University, Ujjain, has announced a decision during the university's Executive Council meeting that aims at inspiring the country's youth while, at the same time, triggering a wider debate among different sections of the public. The Vice-Chancellor said that we have been hearing since childhood that Alexander aka Sikandar is the one who has won many wars but from now on their university will teach the students that it is Vikramaditya who was a victorious warrior king.
The Vice-Chancellor said that the pride of our heritage has not been Alexander but Emperor Vikramaditya and this should be highlighted among today's youth. The Vice Chancellor believes that this will give us freedom from the mentality of slavery and will inspire the present-day youth to higher achievements in life. Vikram University is named after Emperor Vikramaditya.
During the meeting of the Executive Council, the Vice-Chancellor instructed all the professors to teach this retold story, although a written order has not yet been issued regarding this. He further said that this decision has been taken during the meeting of the Executive Council on Wednesday, regarding which permission will also be taken from the government.