Ashoknagar (Madhya Pradesh):Posters and banners have been put up restricting entry of traders belonging to Muslim and Christian communities in Dhaura gram panchayat of Madhya Pradesh's Ashoknagar district. According to the panchayat head the move is aimed at preventing incidents of alleged love jihad.
Traders who come to the villages will have to carry their Aadhar cards and will be allowed to enter only after the panchayat head is convinced that they have come only for doing business. The decision was taken at a recent panchayat meeting after consulting with the villagers. After which, posters and banners in this regard were put up on all roads of the gram panchayat area.
At the meeting, BJP district president and Dhaura gram panchayat head, Bablu Yadav brought the proposal to ban entry of Muslim and Christian traders in the village. "The Aadhaar cards will be checked to find out the religion of the trader entering the village. The person will be able to enter the village only after the villagers are convinced about his intention. In view of the current environment of our country where there are frequent cases of love jihad and religious conversions it is the responsibility of the Hindus to save our sisters and daughters from such atrocities," Yadav said.