Bhind (MP):In a tragic incident, three members of a family were found hanging inside their home in Kathma village around 3 km away from Gohad area of Madhya Pradesh's Bhind district on Saturday morning. While the couple and their son were found dead, the daughter of the family was recovered in a critical condition, according to information received from the police. The deceased have been identified as Dharmendra Gurjar, his wife Amresh, and the couple's 11-year-old son. The incident came to light in the wee hours of Saturday, as sounds of the girl sobbing alerted neighbors who informed police about the situation.
According to the initial probe, it is believed that Dharmendra first tried to kill his two children by strangulating them. After which both husband and wife ended their lives. Dharmendra, his wife Amresh and 11-year-old son Prashant died, while 9-year-old innocent daughter Meenakshi's life has been saved. As per information, the bodies of Gurjar and Amresh were found to be hanging from the ceiling of the house.