Hyderabad: After BJP's landslide victories in three state elections, Mohan Yadav and Vishnu Deo Sai will take oath as Chief Ministers of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh respectively on Wednesday with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attend the oath taking ceremony, sources said. Rajasthan chief minister designate Bhajan Lal Sharma is scheduled to take oath on Dec 15.
It is learnt that Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister designate Mohan Yadav will take oath first. The oath taking ceremony will take place at Lal Parade Ground in the state capital Bhopal. Later in the day, Vishnu Sai will take oath as Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh at Science College Ground in capital Raipur in the afternoon.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath besides other senior BJP leaders are expected to attend the oath taking ceremonies of the two Chief Ministers. The announcement of the names of Chief Ministers for the three states by the BJP high command came after much suspense with the saffron party finally coming up with unusual choices for the top posts in a surprise move.