Bhopal:Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan announced wide-ranging changes in labour laws to stimulate economic activity in the state. He announced the changes on Facebook.
He said the state will be the first in the country to introduce this innovative initiative to give some major concessions to industries and to promote cooperation between factory owners and workers.
Chouhan said post-Corona working has underlined the importance of social distancing. To reduce crowds in the markets, business hours for shops will be revised from 6 a.m. to 12 in the night instead of 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Notification for this has been issued.
Shifts in factories have been extended from 8 hours to 12 hours. Factory owners will now be able to regulate the shifts. However, after 8 hours it will be optional for the workers to continue working. A labourer will be able to work overtime for 72 hours a week, but the workers will have to be paid accordingly. Notification for this has been issued.
Chouhan said economic activities have been resumed in the state. New industries are being provided with the favourable environment. The labour aim at holding back shifting industries and attracting new industries from other places. New industries will be easily established in the state, people will get employment opportunities and the interests of labourers will be secured.