Shahdol (MP):A 92-year-old woman who was allegedly raped by a man who offered her a lift in Shahdol district of Madhya Pradesh on January 12 continues to remain critical. On Saturday, police officials said that a case under IPC section 376 has been registered and the accused has been arrested. The accused has been identified as Bhagwanta Kol alias Sonu (42), a resident of Antara, they said.
According to police, the woman was going from Jabalpur to her relative's place in Madwa village of Shahdol on Thursday. She was approached by a motorcyclist who offered her a lift. The accused motorist took her to a forest area and raped her and fled from the spot, the woman's family alleged in a complaint to the police.
The woman somehow reached home and informed relatives about the incident, who then approached the police and lodged a complaint. ASP Mukesh Vaish said that the woman arrived at Shahdol Thursday night and stayed at the railway station. She took an auto which dropped her at Antara village where she was waiting for a bus. A man on a bike came and offered her a lift.