Khargone (Madhya Pradesh):In a heart-wrenching incident, a 4-year-old girl's arm was severed after it got entangled in the wheel of the motorcycle on which she was travelling with her parents in Madhya Pradesh's Khargone. Carrying the severed arm in a bag, the family rushed to the nearby hospital with the injured girl. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media.
The accident took place on the Chittorgarh-Bhusaval State Highway in Khargone district on Tuesday. In the video, the girl's severed arm, wrapped in a scarf, is seen being recovered from the rear wheel of the motorcycle. The girl was referred to Indore after providing her first aid at a private hospital in the city. The injured girl has been identified as Anshika, daughter of Rakesh Solanki.
Dr. Nishant Mahajan, doctor of the private hospital in Khargone said that the injured girl's father brought her to the hospital at around 2 pm on Tuesday. "The girl's shoulder was bleeding profusely while her severed arm was brought in a bag," Dr Mahajan said.