Indore:The interstate ration scam in Madhya Pradesh recently came to limelight and exposed the fact that the grain was being transported from Indore via Jabalpur and Nagpur to Hyderabad.
Due to the ongoing investigation, in this case, it has been found that through the consumer association formed by ration scamsters Bharat Dave, Shyam Dave and Pramod Dahigude in Madhya Pradesh, these accused had formed a nexus with the ration shopkeepers in Andhra Pradesh.
Meanwhile, the law seems to be tightening its noose around those scamsters who during the lockdown embezzled the food that belonged to 51 thousand families. The scam of about 80 lakhs has so far been detected in 12 government ration shops.
Experts believe that if all the ration shops in the state are investigated, then the scam can go beyond 100 crores. The ration mafia surreptitiously sold grain to the profiteers.
The way the scandal has been planned and executed, it is nothing short of an organized crime story, some of whose villains are now in the custody of the law, but the entire chain of the mafia is yet to be bulldozed by the law. The roots of the ration scam have reached Hyderabad as well. These shopkeepers brought rice from Madhya Pradesh at cheap rates.
In Madhya Pradesh's biggest food scam, it has also been learned that when the sacks of food grains from various districts of Indore were sent to Andhra Pradesh via Jabalpur and Nagpur, their sacks were changed on the way. Through the same fake vouchers or bills used to transport food grains, the food grains and rice meant for the poor of Madhya Pradesh would reach the consumer operators of Andhra Pradesh.
Fake bills were made for other states
In fact, in Madhya Pradesh, about 500 shops in Indore, including the Pradhan Mantri Kalyan Yojana, Annapurna Yojana of the state, the grain which was distributed through ration cards were sold out in the black market instead of distributing it among the eligible beneficiaries i.e. the poor.
For executing this scam, Bharat Dave and Shyam Dave had created a nexus that was spread in different districts and states. After preparing fake bills from the factories, the accused then procured food grains from rice factories and pulse mills apart from food grain mandis. By showing grain through these bills, this grain was transported to Andhra Pradesh by trucks via Jabalpur and Nagpur.
The morsel that belonged the poor of Indore sold in Hyderabad
During the course of lockdown, the ration was issued by the Central and State Government for the poor. This ration was to be distributed in Indore. But the ration mafia used this opportunity for their benefit. They planned to snatch away the morsels meant for the poor to benefit the pockets of the profiteers. This was not possible without the complicity of the officers.
During the period of Corona, grains worth more than 10 crore rupees were released to Indore for the poor when the lockdown was imposed by the government. During the lockdown, movement of trucks was not banned in the entire country including Indore city. The ration mafia took advantage of this. The ration was sent to Hyderabad by trucks and was sold in the open market.
How did corruption flourish?
The food grain was sent to the ration shops by the government for the poor. On the other hand, the beneficiary was given less grain than the prescribed quantity. The rest of the grain was transported to another warehouse. A fake entry was made in the name of the consumer. In this way, when a large number of food grains was collected in the warehouse. A fake bill was then prepared.
Here too, the complicity of corrupt officers who were willing to engage in this corrupt practise is evident. The challenge, then, was to take the grain out of the agricultural produce market.
There Mandi fee was paid with the help of fake bills. Also, fake receipts for selling goods were shown to merchants of other places. The consignment of the goods was to be sold. For this, such merchants were identified in other places in the country, who would buy stolen goods.
Such shady traders were identified in Hyderabad who were willing to sell these stolen consignments. Clearly, the entire network was engaged in nurturing these parasites of corruption. Among them are officers and employees of the Agricultural Produce Market and also, the complicity of officers of government departments cannot be denied.
Bharat Dave created a chain of corruption!
Bharat Dave is the biggest villain of this organized crime story. He is the president of the organization of the operators of all the ration shops in the state. Therefore he had an intervention in every ration shop. With his clout, he involved many shopkeepers in this scam. In this way, a parallel supply chain was prepared, which was willing to starve the poor to death.