Indore (Madhya Pradesh): A fraudster hailing from Indore in Madhya Pradesh ran out of luck. Police have begun legal proceedings to arrest the accused. Impersonating as a top-ranking official from the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB), the accused cheated on several women after marrying them. But, one of the aggrieved women got suspicious and tried to check the antecedents of the accused.
The woman from Chhattisgarh had sought information from the Indore NCB about the accused. The Indore NCB office furnished that no such person was working in the office. Following this, the Indore police have begun tightening the noose around the accused. Indore's Lasudia police registered a case against the fake NCB officer Indranath alias Rohit Lakra. The woman complainant from Chhattisgarh, who was also one of the victims, passed on information about conman Rohit Lakra to NCB officers. The police registered the case against the accused based on the statement provided by NCB officers.
The woman, a resident of Chhattisgarh, has been holding the post of deputy ranger. She also fell into the trap laid by conman Rohit Lakra. She married Rohit alias Indranath. The woman came in contact with the accused through Instagram. She then went to meet him at a hotel in Raipur. Both were married as per Arya Samaj tradition.