Morena (Madhya Pradesh):Following a plane crash near Madhya Pradesh's Morena on Saturday, the black box of the Indian Air Force's Mirage 2000 and part of the in-flight recorder of the Sukhoi Su-30MKI have been recovered from the wreckage, officials said. The incident that occurred after the two aircraft took off for a routine air sortie from the Gwalior air base and crashed, which resulted in the death of Wing Commander Hanumanth Rao Sarathi, who was flying the Mirage 2000.
The black box of the Mirage aircraft has been recovered from the wreckage at the spot in Morena's Pahargarh area. A part of the Sukhoi's data recorder was also found at the spot and remaining was suspected have fallen in the crash spot in Rajasthan's Bharatpur, reports cited Morena SP Ashutosh Bagri as saying.