Rajgarh:Police have booked a man who converted from Hinduism to embrace Islam about eight years ago and was allegedly pressurizing his wife and children to convert in Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, officials said. The case comes after the complaint by the wife of the accused against him. The incident has come to light in Jirapur of Rajgarh district.
In her complaint, the wife of the accused said that she was married in the year 2004 to Dilip as per Hindu customs. The woman, resident of Housing Colony, Jirapur said that about eight years ago, her husband adopted the Muslim religion and converted to Khatiq “at the behest of a person named Hemraj Taylor and for one and a half years, he has been pressurizing me and my children to adopt the Muslim religion”.
Following the complaint by the woman at the police station, police have registered a FIR under the relevant sections of law. The woman said that besides her husband, the accused Hemraj Taylor also asked her to convert to Islam. “My husband tells me that I should also offer Namaz and observe fasting. When I refused, he would beat me. I used to worship Hindu Gods. He removed all the pictures and idols from the house and threw me out of the house. He also pressures my son Prince to convert to Muslim religion. When I and my son Prince did not convert, he threatens that he will kill both of us. When I asked to go to the police station, they threatened to kill me and did not allow me to come out of the house,” the woman said in her complaint.