Rajgarh (Madhya Pradesh): In a tragic incident, a five-year-old girl died on Wednesday morning, hours after falling into a borewell in Madhya Pradesh's Rajgarh district, sources said. It is learnt that the girl identified as Mahi died at a hospital in Madhya Pradesh capital Bhopal in the early hours of Wednesday. The girl was rescued alive at around 2.45 am on Wednesday after falling into the borewell on Tuesday.
She was rushed to the Civil Hospital at Pachore from where she was referred to the state-run Hamidia Hospital in Bhopal, which is about 70 km away, where she died during treatment around 6 am, Chief Medical and Health Officer Dr Kiran Wadia said. An official said that the girl's body will be handed over to the child's relatives after autopsy.
The mishap took place on Tuesday evening when Mahi fell into an open borewell in a field at Pipliya Rasoda village under Boda police station limits. Soon, rescuers rushed to the spot and launched a rescue operation. A team of experts dug a parallel pit to a depth of about 25 feet to reach to the girl. Rajgarh Superintendent of Police Dharmaraj Meena said that Mahi was stuck at 22 feet, and after connecting the two pits, she was rescued and rushed to the hospital.
Meena said that the operation was carried out by the personnel from the State Disaster Emergency Response Force (SDERF) who arranged to provide oxygen inside the borewell shaft. Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan had directed officials to send teams of SDERF, National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) to the site and asked the district administration to help in the rescue operation.
Also read:
- Rajasthan: After seven hours, child extracted from borewell in Dausa district
- 17-years-old girl falls into a borewell in Rajasthan; rescue op underway
- 4-year-old falls into borewell in Jodhpur