Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): Almost two months after a human torso was found in a drain in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior, the police on the trail of the murder case arrested another prime suspect identified as Nazim Khan from Agra on Tuesday for allegedly chopping off the body into nearly 400 pieces and throwing them into a drain. The arrest comes after Kallu Khan, Nazim's father surrendered himself before the police in the case of drug smuggling.
The murder mystery was solved after 57 days of the crime when the accused was arrested on Tuesday, Gwalior police said. According to police sources, the deceased Raju Khan's disappearance was reported by his family when he failed to return home on the day of the incident.
Superintendent of Police Shiyaz KM said, "During the investigation, the arrested accused Nazim Khan, a resident of Bakra Mandi with the Janakganj police station area limits revealed that Raju worked for his father. On September 21, Nazim had an altercation with Raju and as the fight grew, the father-son duo asked Raju to resign. Raju demanded Rs 20,000 in return for a resignation. Kallu and Nazim agreed to give him the money for which they called Raju to their home.