Indore: Madhya Pradesh police on Monday claimed to have busted a gang involved n printing of fake mark sheets by arresting two members of the gang in Indore district. It is learnt that the arrests were made by Indore's Vijay Nagar police, which is interrogating the accused in the case. The arrested accused have been identified as Dinesh, son of Sevakram Tirole, 41 and Manish, 40-both residents of Ganeshdham Colony Khandwa Naka.
Around 60 fake marksheets of various universities across the country were also recovered from their possession, an official said. He said that the duo was nabbed by a special team of police following specific inputs received by Vijay Nagar police station about a fake marksheet racket being operated in the area. Following the inputs, a special team led by DCP Abhishek Anand was formed which raided the houses of the accused and arrested them.