Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): Madhya Pradesh's Economic Offences Wing (EOW) recovered Rs 1.65 crore during the raid conducted at the residence of Bishop of Church of North India Jabalpur Diocese's PC Singh on Thursday. The EOW received the complaint against the Bishop for transferring an amount of Rs 2.70 crore to religious institutions between 2004-05 and 2011-12 and some for his personal purpose. After which, EOW raided his house and found crores of rupees in currency notes of two thousand and five hundred denominations, including foreign currency. A note-counting machine had to be ordered from the local State Bank of India to count the cash.
It is learnt that many cases were registered against him for financial irregularities and other cases across the country in which cases related to land transactions including fraud, forgery and misappropriation of funds are also included. Bishop is accused of misappropriating crores of rupees by becoming the chairman of many institutions on the basis of forged documents. According to Deputy Superintendent of Police Manjit Singh, "Bishop PC Singh misused the position by changing the name of the original society on the basis of the coded documents and becoming its chairman."