PM Modi bats for Uniform Civil Code. Bhopal:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday emphasised the need for a Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in India, stating that the country cannot function with "two laws" while the Constitution guarantees equality for all. Addressing party workers during the campaign in Madhya Pradesh, the Prime Minister raised questions regarding the practice of 'triple talaq' in Islam and its absence in Muslim-majority nations like Egypt, Indonesia, Qatar, Jordan, Syria, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.
"Will a family function if there are two different sets of rules for people? Then how will a country run? Our Constitution too guarantees equal rights to all people," PM Modi said in Bhopal on Tuesday while addressing party workers under the BJP's "Mera Booth Sabse Majboot" campaign.",
PM Modi expressed concern for the welfare of Muslim daughters and criticised those who advocate for triple talaq, accusing them of prioritising vote bank politics over justice. He highlighted the far-reaching consequences of this practice, noting that it not only affects women but also tears apart families. When a woman, who enters into marriage with great hopes, is abruptly divorced through triple talaq, it causes immense distress to her parents and siblings.
The Prime Minister asserted that certain individuals support triple talaq to maintain their dominance over Muslim women and perpetuate their oppression. He commended Muslim sisters and daughters for aligning themselves with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and his leadership, emphasising their unity in favour of justice and equal rights.
He said that appeasement politics had left many people behind, including the Pasmanda Muslims. "Pasmanda Muslims have become a victim of politics. Some people are using the politics of appeasement to break the country. The BJP cadre should go and explain this to the Muslims and educate them so that they do not fall victim to such politics" PM Modi said.
Taking a dig at opponents of the UCC, PM Modi accused them of inciting certain groups for their own personal gain. "If they were really supportive of Muslims the Muslim brothers would not be poor or deprived...The Supreme Court has also asked for the implementation of the UCC. But these people are hungry only for vote banks," Modi said accusing the Opposition in the country of employing vote-bank politics of appeasement. Referring to the Constitution's provision of equal rights for all citizens, he highlighted that even the Supreme Court has called for the implementation of the UCC.
Furthermore, the Prime Minister criticised those who accuse the BJP of neglecting the welfare of Muslims. He argued that if these critics truly cared for the community, then Muslim families would not be lagging behind in education and employment, facing difficulties in their lives.
A Uniform Civil Code entails a common set of laws that are applicable to all citizens regardless of their religion. It covers personal laws, as well as laws concerning inheritance, adoption, and succession. Some states, including Uttarakhand, have already begun the process of formulating their own common codes.