Bhopal:A row has erupted over the Madhya Pradesh Assembly's decision to remove the portrait of first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru and replace it with that of B R Ambedkar, drawing a sharp reaction from Congress which accused the ruling BJP of disrespecting the "nation builder".
The Congress on Tuesday said it welcomes displaying the portrait of the Father of the Constitution in the House, but it could have been placed along with the photos of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru. The first session of the 16th Madhya Pradesh assembly began here on Monday. MP Assembly Principal Secretary AP Singh told PTI that the portrait of Nehru was replaced with one of Ambedkar during the last session only.
"The then Speaker Girish Gautam had directed to replace the portrait (of Nehru) in the last session in July as it was very old and getting worn out," he said. Singh said Gautam had directed to renovate portraits of Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru as they were getting worn out. "As Ambedkar's 125th birth anniversary was being observed at that time, the speaker directed to put his portrait in place of Nehru and also ensured that Nehru's portrait was kept in a respectful manner in the Gandhi-Nehru section of the library.